Thursday, July 17, 2014

My second novel

     I am currently editing my second novel. I have titled it "An Awakening". However, the more I get into my book, the more I do not think this title is appropriate. I am thinking of "Something, something Innocence" or "Innocence Something something". I think I will wait until I have the book edited before I make that decision.
     This second novel was written years ago. I am now revising, editing, etc. It is going to have a Christian base. But it is a thriller. It is about a serial killer. On my first draft, I did not get into the serial killer's mind too deeply. I fleshed out the victims and their thoughts. Now I am developing the victim's thoughts more and treading into the serial killer's thoughts.
     How does a Christian person write a thriller? How does one get into the mind of a killer? It is not easy. However, since I believe in Jesus then I certainly do believe that Satan is in our lives as well. There is good and there is evil. We humans can be easily led astray by evil. Evil makes promises that humans just can't resist. We struggle with good and bad choices every day.
     Unfortunately, I have seen the dark side of people. I have been in the middle of it and seen, first hand, what bad things do to good people. Then there are just bad people who let evil rule them. People look for quick fixes. They look for the easy way. Life is hard and making a good choice is very difficult. Staying on the right side, the good path is not easy. But it is a choice I have made.
     I can understand anger. I can understand how people get led astray. Watching a person let their life spiral downwards is difficult. However, there is not much anyone can do if a person does not want to change or help themselves. From my experience, unless a person realizes God is real and choose to have God in their life, they will never change.
     Writing about an evil person who is a serial killer is difficult. It brings up many memories and hurts. But evil is around us. It cannot be ignored. I have chosen to write about it. I have also chosen to write about how people with faith, handle that evil. I choose to write about people made stronger with their faith and how they come through the very difficult road in front of them.

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