Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Onto Book 2

     It has been a while since I have written anything on my blog. Well, to be honest in January and February, I have had cataract surgery on my left and right eyes. I have also had foot surgery after breaking a small piece of bone in my toe which dislocated a ligament. The bone was taken out and the ligament reattached.
     I did send my second novel to an editor. She has done the edits and I received it back around Christmas time. So I have been working on the second book. I am almost done all the editing and want to send it back to the editor for another look through. I am quite excited with the editing and the changes I have made. It has made me rethink the story for the third book which I am now going to split into two books.
     The second book is about the Collins family who is being stalked by a serial killer. Rebecca Collins and her son Benjamin are eventually kidnapped by the stalker. I had the Collins family and the Grifton family meet in the third book, then had the oldest Grifton daughter go on an archaeological dig in the Qumran Caves. I have now decided that both the Grifton and Collins family need to meet and get to know each other and help each other heal. Both families have had quite traumatic experiences and I think it would be a good storyline about how they learn to come to terms with what has happened to them. I will then continue with the oldest daughter and the rest of that story in the fourth book.
     I am also now looking at having my website reworked. Let's just say I am terrible at marketing. I would rather just write. I can get so distracted from my writing (stuff happens) but I have been so much better at working at my writing lately. I have found someone who I feel confident will make my website better and who will help me with marketing. Here's hoping.